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Furry Benefits of Pet Walking

1.Keeps Them Fit and Happy

Physical Exercise: Pets need exercise just like humans! Walks keep them in shape, ensuring they’re not turning into furry couch potatoes.
Strong Joints: Walking helps pets stay limber and active, especially older pets who might start to feel creaky without regular strolls.
Happy Heart: Just like you, your pet’s heart gets a workout, boosting their cardiovascular health.

2.Sniffing Adventures for Mental Stimulation

New Smells, New Friends: Each walk is like a doggy or kitty detective mission. They get to sniff around, explore, and maybe even make new furry pals!
Brain Workout: Every new smell or sight triggers curiosity, keeping their minds sharp and engaged. It’s like an outdoor puzzle to solve!

3.Better Behaved Buddies

Less Chewing on Your Shoes: Walking tires them out, which means less destructive behavior at home. A tired pet is a good pet!
Calm and Cool: Walks release pent-up energy, reducing anxiety and hyperactivity. Say goodbye to your pet zooming around the house.

4.Strengthens Your Bond

Quality Time Together: Walks are a fun way for you and your pet to connect. It’s their favorite part of the day, and who wouldn’t love being their best friend’s hero?

How PetMichi can help?

Track Your Walks: With the PetMichi app, you can easily track the duration, distance, and route of your walks, making sure your furry friend gets the exercise they need to stay fit and healthy. You can even set reminders for those important walk times!

How Often Should You Walk Your Furry Friend?


High-energy dogs (like Border Collies and Labs): 2–3 walks a day, around 30–60 minutes per walk. These guys are the marathon runners of the dog world!
Low-energy dogs (like Bulldogs or Chihuahuas): 1–2 short walks of 20–30 minutes will keep them content.
Puppies: Shorter, frequent walks of 10–15 minutes because their tiny legs tire quickly.
Senior dogs: Gentle, shorter walks to keep them active and happy.


Yes, cats! Some adventurous felines actually enjoy walks in a secure harness. Indoor cats benefit from short 10–15 minute walks to burn off some energy and channel their inner lion.

Lets talk some Pet Walking Stats

US: 60% of dog owners take their dogs for regular walks, but half of them aren’t walking enough to meet their pets’ exercise needs. Looks like some pups need a bit more adventure!
Australia: Only 40% of dog owners hit the trails with their pups regularly. And 30%… well, those poor dogs might need a few extra outings!
UK: Around 70% of dog owners make walk time a daily ritual — hooray for British pups!

Pet Walking Laws (Yes, It’s a Thing!)

Germany: Germany’s “Dog Welfare Act” requires dog owners to walk their pets twice a day for a minimum of one hour total. No more excuses for skipping those walks — it’s the law!
Italy (Turin): In the city of Turin, you could be fined if you don’t walk your dog at least once a day. So, if you’re ever in Italy, remember your pooch is expecting some quality time.
Sweden: Dogs in Sweden must be walked or allowed out every six hours. Puppies and older dogs get even more outdoor time to ensure they stay happy and healthy.
Japan: In Tokyo, while there’s no national law, pet neglect — including lack of walks — can be reported, ensuring that pets get the outdoor time they need.
Australia (New South Wales): Laws require regular exercise for dogs. If you’re caught slacking, you could face fines for neglect.

Pet Walking Pet Care Pet Health Dogs