Terms & Conditions

A. Services

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What Petmichi Offers:

Petmichi provides tools and services through a website and mobile apps for pet owners and pet service providers to connect and communicate with each other. This includes emergency support and educational materials for service providers.

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Petmichi Doesn't Provide Pet Care:

Petmichi is like a middle ground where pet owners and service providers meet. We don't actually provide pet care services ourselves, except for general support and resources mentioned in our service. We don't guarantee the quality of services provided by service providers like boarding or pet sitting. Service providers listed on Petmichi are independent and aren't our employees or contractors. They decide how to provide their services. We give some general advice on safety and pet care, but we don't officially endorse or recommend any specific service provider or user. We do some basic checks on service provider profiles, but we don't thoroughly screen them. It's up to you to be cautious and use your judgment when choosing a service provider or engaging with users on Petmichi. Both service users and providers are responsible for their decisions and the well-being of their pets. For example, it's up to each user to keep their pet's vaccinations up to date, and we're not responsible if they don't.

B. User Conduct

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Using Petmichi

You're allowed to use Petmichi as long as you follow the rules in the Terms of Use. Don't copy or change Petmichi without permission. Also, make sure you follow the laws when using Petmichi.

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Who Can Join

You have to be at least 18 years old to use Petmichi and be able to legally make contracts. You promise that all the info you give when you sign up is true and you'll keep it updated. If we find out you're under 18 or breaking any laws, we might close your account without warning.

You don't have to sign up just to look around Petmichi, but if you want to use some features, you'll need to make an account with a password. You can also use your Facebook account to sign up.

It's your responsibility to keep your password safe and tell us if someone else uses your account without permission. Don't pretend to be someone else or let anyone else use your account. If someone uses your account without permission, we're not responsible, but you might have to pay for any losses.

You have to follow these rules:
  • Don't copy or share Petmichi without permission.
  • Only change Petmichi if it's needed to use it properly.
  • Give correct info when making your account.
  • Don't use any automated tools to use Petmichi without our permission.
  • Don't collect any info about other users or use it for anything other than Petmichi.
  • Don't overload Petmichi with too many requests or try to mess with how it works.
  • Don't use Petmichi to recruit or contact other users for anything not related to Petmichi, unless we say it's okay.
  • Don't try to get personal info from Petmichi or use it for any commercial purposes.

If you don't meet the criteria or follow the rules we've mentioned above, please don't use the platform. If Petmichi finds out that you've broken these rules, we have the right to stop you from using the platform immediately, as decided by us.

C. Terms for Service Providers

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Honest Profiles and Offers:

Service providers must accurately describe their services and not use deceptive tactics like fake locations or misleading titles.

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Fair Pricing and Transactions:

Service providers can't try to avoid Petmichi fees by directing users to other websites or using their profiles to promote unauthorized services.

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Creating a Safe and Positive Experience:

Service providers should follow rules to ensure a safe and fair environment for everyone. This includes not using inappropriate language, promoting prohibited content, or engaging in activities like gambling or raffles.

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Pricing Agreement:

Service providers set their own prices, but they must agree on a final price with the user before starting the service, based on the details provided.

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Quality Service Delivery:

Service providers must deliver services professionally and on time. If a user is not satisfied, they can request a refund or ask for the service to be redone.

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Dealing with Fraudulent Transactions:

If there's a complaint about fraud, payments may be temporarily held while an investigation takes place. If transactions are found to be fraudulent, the money won't be released, and service providers must return any previously received payments. If a transaction is genuine, service providers should provide proof and can continue working with the user until the issue is resolved.

D. Verification Service

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Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability

Petmichi works hard to keep our platform safe for everyone involved. We might use background checks and ID verifications from national databases to help with this. If you don't want us to do this, please don't sign up as a service provider on Petmichi.

By signing up as a service provider, you agree to let us do background checks using the info you provide. You understand that we might review the results and take action on your account based on what we find. You also agree that we can verify the info you give us and take action if needed. You promise to not hold Petmichi responsible for any issues that come up because of the background check.

You should know that while we offer this verification service, we can't control how accurate or reliable it is. We might end your membership based on the info we get from this service.

E. PetMichi Fee

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Fees for Service Providers:
  • Joining PetMichi, posting services, and viewing other services is free for service providers.
  • PetMichi might charge fees for certain services like contacting users or completing transactions, typically ranging from 10% to 20% of the transaction amount.
  • Service providers need to log in at least once every 6 months to maintain a reduced service fee. Otherwise, the fee resets to 20%.
  • PetMichi might offer additional premium services like advertising or tax preparation for a fee.
  • These fees are not for monitoring members' activities or pet care.
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Fees for Service Users:
  • It's free for service users to join PetMichi and view services.
  • Currently, there are no fees for transactions completed on the platform.
  • However, PetMichi might charge fees in the future, with a 14-day notice before changes take effect.
  • If you don't pay fees on time, PetMichi can suspend or terminate your account.
  • Fees will be billed to your designated payment method, and there are no refunds for cancelled accounts. Unpaid fees may be charged to your credit card or billed to you.

F. Pet Collection

  • Service users must pick up their pet at the agreed time and place arranged with the Pet Service Provider during booking.
  • If the pet is not collected as agreed, the Pet Service Provider has the right to send the pet to a preferred adoption center, home, or shelter.
  • Neither PetMichi nor the Pet Service Provider is responsible for any issues arising from the pet after it's sent to the adoption center or shelter

G. Choosing Pet Care

  • Home pet boarding and other pet care services might not be suitable for all pets, especially those that are aggressive or poorly socialized.
  • It's your responsibility as a member to decide if a pet care service is right for your pet and to choose the service provider carefully.
  • Even if a pet service provider has positive reviews, PetMichi doesn't guarantee their quality, security, or other features.
  • PetMichi isn't involved in agreements or transactions between members and pet service providers, so we can't verify claims made by the service providers, like medical certifications or insurance coverage.
  • You should share all relevant information about your pet, like medical issues or allergies, with the service provider before booking.
  • You agree that PetMichi isn't responsible for any damages, including injuries or death to your pet, that might occur during pet boarding or other pet care services, whether caused by the service provider, their family members, pets, or any other third party.
  • It's up to you to make decisions that are best for you and your pet when using PetMichi.

Acceptance of Policy:

By accessing our website and/or Services and providing any personal information on the Platform, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described herein.